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San Antonio Senior Golf Association Board Meeting Minutes

San Antonio Golf Association Luncheon Meeting Minutes

 Tuesday, May 28, 2024(after the Scramble Tournament at Brackenridge Golf Course)

 A SAGA Luncheon meeting was called to announce the Spring Tournament winners, and to review, discuss, and possibly make a change/update on “tournament attendance” policy in the SAGA Constitution and By-Laws.

Location:  Pan American Golf Association (PAGA) Club House – 2300 Ave B, San Antonio, TX 78215

(Right outside Brackenridge Golf Course premises)

 Attendees:  Tournament Director – Bob Snow, Secretaries – Dick Davis, and Les Spradley, Directors – Blas Talerico, Lynwood Herring, George Resendes, Ramiro Davila, Mike Powell, Ronnie Ibarra, and Hector Longoria (note taker for today’s meeting)

Also in Attendance – 83 SAGA Members, including out of town members: Charlie Oliveras, and Abel DeLeon

 Today – We will be celebrating : The results of a successful Spring Tournament held on Tuesdays in May, Sign Up/No Show Issue, The results of the Festive Scramble held this morning, and an appreciation BBQ Luncheon for all SAGA membership that signed up. 

Meeting Started – 12:40 pm - Lunch was served first – Food was catered by Backyard BBQ – Owners: Gabriel and Felicia Sauceda, and, Bob and Jackie Kowalik

 In the absence of our Interim President (Don O’Brien), Secretary, Dick Davis called the meeting to order.

·         Introductions were made – quests were acknowledged, a few non-consequential announcements too.

      ·         A brief report was made from the Constitution and By-Laws review meeting held February 3, 2024 - with some changes made. Everyone was asked to go on to the website to see and read the minutes – discussion of changes made to be addressed at a formal Board Meeting in September.

·         Tuesday Tournament Secretary, Les Spradley, read a financial report: Tournament Cost: $1750, Expenses; $8905, and a Balance $280

       ·         Review and Discussion was conducted on a negative growing issue of concern –Members Signing Up for our Tuesday/Thursday tournaments, and NOT SHOWING UP!

This would not be a negative concern, if it were not for the fact, that our Tournament Director has to turn in a count to the golf course managers ahead of time – and they, in turn, plan for the open public tee times – If our count is off, because members sign up, and then not show, the golf course looses out on the sale of those open public tee times – which then, Alamo City Golf Trails might then decide NOT to offer SAGA flexible time slots and rates, if any at all.

The seriousness of this matter is that recently we have had up to 11 members signing up, and not showing.

After a short, but meaningful discussion – a recommendation was presented in the form of a $10.00 FINE charged to any member who signs ups for tournament play, and does not show up (no matter the excuse) – after further discussion, and the fact that there might be excusable circumstances for the “no show” – an addendum to the recommendation was presented – Members would be allowed a one (1) time no charge PER QUARTER (every 45 days), for such circumstances. 

The recommendation was put to a vote - A majority show of hands accepted the $10.00 fine for Signing Up and No Show resolution.

        ·         A Door Prize Drawing was held – 41 members were winners -

 With no other business on the agenda – meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm

 Signed – Hector Longoria

February 3, 2024

Constitution and By-Laws Review

A SASGA Board meeting was called to review and update the SASGA Constitution and By-Laws.

Please note, that upon perusal, which we encourage each member to do so, you will notice that,

NO “new” by-laws were introduced – only some “words (ing)” were changed when appropriate.

 Location:         Interim President’s (Don O’Brien) Residence

 Attendees:       Interim President – Don O’Brien, Tournament Director – Bob Snow,

 Secretaries – Les Spradley (Tuesday) and Dick Davis (Thursday),

 Board Directors – Blas Talerico (Out Going President), Lynwood Herring, George Resendes, Ramiro Davila, Mike Powell, Ronnie Ibarra, and Hector Longoria

 Meeting Started – 10.05 am - Power Point Presentation with Hardcopy Handouts

 A Review and Discussion was conducted on each line item - edits and amendments were made when appropriate, or left un-touched - beginning with:

 ·         Article II – Purpose – Dick Davis, a tenured member, and Thursday Secretary, presented a “history” of SASGA, which included the purpose, and a recommended description for a governing body. Discussion followed, and a decision was made to “add” this “history” to the By-Laws, under Purpose, and change the title to History and Purpose.


·         Article IV – Officers and Board Members – Item reviewed and discussed – a change was made to reflect: Officers shall be “elected”, and SIX Directors shall be recommended by Board.



·         Article V – Duties of Tournament Director – Only discussion and change held on the “attendees” to outside “official” meetings – Decision: Tournament Director MUST attend these meetings, while other attendees, are invited or welcomed.


·         Article V, Section 4 – Director duties – amending to ADD : 1) to assist Tournament Director with; Sign-In (of players) duties, and,  2) the welcoming of New Members, (Introductions, Orientation of Course Rules and Playing Conditions) – A suggestions for:  Name tags for new “First Time” players/members was tabled for now.



·         Article VI – Amendments – Same, with some changes to the “wording”, like: replacing “made available”, instead of submitted. Other omissions, or replaced wording, will be reflected on the “revised” by-laws.


·         Article VII. By-Laws, Section 1 - Membership: Changed the first sentence to read:  “ All persons who have paid dues… And, Included the word “Three (3) to the last sentence.



·         Article VII. By-Laws, Section 2 – Divisions: Omitted the first(1st) sentence – kept A) Tuesdays and  Thursdays…, Kept B) Dues and Fees, Changed the first (1st) sentence to read: The annual dues shall be: First year dues for NEW members…joining between JUNE and the end of NOVEMBER…. Kept C) but added QUALIFYING members electing …. ALSO, eliminated the money amounts – instead of, $25 fee, it now shall read, member will PAY A FEE – therefore, if the fee amount changes the next year, the Board will not have to officially meet to correct the fee amount posted. Additional discussion and change made in reference to “earnings “paid – Closest To Pin shall be paid BASED ON TOTAL COUNT OF PLAYERS, as well as, PRIZE pay outs at the DISCRETION OF TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR, again, based on TOTAL COUNT OF PLAYERS.


·         Article VII. Section 4 – Misconduct of a Member – Now reads: BOARD may review misconduct…with Panel findings and recommendation will be presented to the President, and a majority of the BOARD present at the meeting must approve imposition of penalty, including termination of membership.



·         Article VII. Section 6 – Local/Club Rules – After lengthy review and discussion- and the fact that they are “always” changing, and are “mis-interpreted” -  it was decided to EXCLUDE the current Local/Club Rules from our By-Laws, so the Board does not have to meet, with every “constant” change – A separate Local/Club Rules handout will be made available.  Local/Club Rule F was automatically omitted due to the fact that “golfers no longer wear spikes”, Rule J now will read “place your ball”, instead of, drop your ball. AND, Rule K – Was omitted – too redundant, you always take a free drop from FIRE ANTS.


·         The “new” Local/Club Rules Handout will include ABNORMAL COURSE CONDITIONS, including: Cracks in the ground, and Roots! – The ROOT rule shall be the same as the ROCK rule; with the exception; it has to be “a golf grip length” from the tree, to be able to play it as a ROCK rule – otherwise, you will have to play it as an “ unplayable lie” – take a stroke penalty, drop no nearer the hole, and move on!



·         Article VII. Letter E – Provisional Lost Ball – IF BALL IS IN A HAZARD, YOU DO NOT TAKE A PROVISIONAL


·         Article VII. Letter I – Two Stroke Out of Bounds – to include Lost Ball – except, if BALL is in Hazard.


·         Ball crossing water lands in water - Defining Drop Area – Decision – Where the ball “crosses” the margin



·         Some Local Rules may be added for later revision and discussion


·         ALL changes will be reviewed and voted for approval during SPRING meeting – in May, 2024


With no other business on the agenda – meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am

 Signed – Hector Longoria, Board Director (and note taker for this meeting)