2025 Golf Trip ClickBelow ![]() |
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Article I.
The name of the organization shall be San Antonio
Senior Golf Association (SASGA).
Article II.
History and
This constitution was originally developed for the
Members Golf Association which played the city owned golf courses on
Thursdays. Joe Rodriguez was
the organizer and tournament director.
Bob Snow became the tournament director in 2001 and has served in
that capacity ever since. He
also became the Tournament Director for the Seniors Golf Association
which operated similarly on Tuesdays.
Over 80% of the players became members of both leagues so this
constitution was expanded to include both associations as divisions
under the name San Antonio Senior Golf Association. Eventually a
Wednesday group known as Beacon Hill and a Friday group known as TGIF
were assimilated under Mr. Snow’s leadership and the SASGA umbrella.
This constitution relates directly to the Tuesday and Thursday leagues
but provides oversight and guidance for Wednesday and Friday as
well…particularly as to scheduling.
The 2024 revision to this constitution officially changes the
names of the divisions to their respective play days. The purpose of this organization is to stimulate
general interest in playing golf in an organized, friendly atmosphere
for the benefit of all members of the organization.
Article III.
The governing body for SASGA is the Board of
Directors and shall consist of the President, Tournament Director, the
Tuesday Secretary/Treasurer, the Thursday
Secretary/Treasurer and seven Directors. The immediate past president
is a member as specified in Article V, Section 1. A quorum of the Board
shall conduct the business of this organization. Six or more members of
the Board shall constitute a quorum. Simple majority vote prevails with
each officer or director entitled to one vote.
Article IV.
Officers and
Board Members:
All officers shall be elected at the fall annual
meeting by a majority vote of those present and entitled to vote. All
terms of office are one year and begin after election at the annual
meeting. The President may appoint replacements for any vacancy
occurring during the year. The Board must confirm all appointments
within thirty (30) days. Appointed officers shall serve only the
remainder of the term for which the said officer had been elected. The President shall make nominations to the Board
to fill Director vacancies. The Board shall approve new Directors.
Article V.
Section 5.01
The President shall preside at all meetings of this
Association and shall conduct the proceedings according to the
established rules of Parliamentary Procedure.
All authority not otherwise vested shall be exercised by the
President. The President shall also be a member of the Board and have
the power to appoint all committees. When a different President is
elected the immediate Past-President will automatically be retained as a
non-voting member of the Board for one additional year to share his
experience, knowledge, and wisdom. In case of the President’s
resignation or inability to act, the Tournament Director shall assume
all the duties of the President. The Board must select a new President
within thirty (30) days to fill the vacancy on the Board.
The President shall be the focal point for tournament play
complaints. If appropriate, the President will confer with the
Tournament Director, Secretary/Treasurer and/or the Board to resolve the
Section 5.02
The duties of
the Tournament Director consist of the following items:
Exercise complete
authority to establish rules and policy that will govern weekly and
annual tournament play, including deviations and local rules when United
States Golf Association (USGA) guidelines, golf course rules and/or
weather conditions do not apply. (Refer to the attached document for
standing local rules,)
Ensure the Association
is represented with knowledgeable and capable members in meetings with
golf course officials to obtain the lowest fees possible and best
conditions and formats. Schedule all rounds of play for the current
Determine the
distribution of prize money with generally accepted
formulas. Fundamentally, the greater the number of players the more
winners will result.
Establish all players’
handicaps and continuously update handicaps in accordance with generally
accepted procedures. Control the starting spots of all players at
scheduled tournaments. Determine which tees to use for the best length
of play for all players.
Section 5.03
The duties of the Secretary/Treasurer consist of the following items:
Collect weekly
and annual tournament fees and membership dues, maintain the club bank
account, make deposits, pay bills.
Prepare and
distribute winnings as directed by the Tournament Director.
Keep the
official minutes of all meetings of this Association, recording all
proceedings and actions conducted at these meetings.
financial status to the Board and membership regularly.
Be the
custodian of all papers, documents, and files of the Association and
prepare all the correspondence pertaining to the Association.
Section 5.04
The duties of a director consist of the following items:
Collect ideas
and concerns from the general membership and present them at Board
Vote on all
official Board business
Assist the
President, Secretary\Treasurer and the Tournament Director with weekly
tournament tasks and duties.
Welcome new
members by reviewing the new member information sheet and introducing
them to other members of the association.
Article VI.
This constitution, including the By-laws, may be
amended, or replaced by a majority vote of the members present and
voting, provided that the amendments were made available to the
membership at least (30) days in advance of the meeting. Amendments may
be voted on at any regular meeting or a special meeting to be called by
the Board upon a formal request from 10 or more active members and
subject to the preceding provisions. Such amendments, alterations or
repeals shall take effect immediately upon adoption.
Article VII.
The provisions of a code of By-laws to be adopted
simultaneously with this constitution shall govern this organization.
Section 7.01
All persons who have paid dues for the current year
shall constitute the membership of this Association. Annual dues are
payable on January 1st of each year and must be paid before
member plays in that calendar year.
Members must have an established handicap in this club to be
eligible to win prize money. Three (3) rounds are required to establish
a handicap. Questions regarding handicaps should be directed to the
Tournament Director.
Section 7.02
Tuesdays and Thursdays:
Payout for 3 place winners per flight, par 3 closest to the pins,
skins and bonus for 1st place in flight. Note: field size may affect
prizes and payouts.
Dues and Fees for Tuesday\Thursday
Divisions The annual membership dues and weekly tournament fees shall be
approved by the Board and announced by the Secretary\Treasurer to the
membership at the fall annual meeting. First year dues for members
joining after June 1 shall be half price. (Note: The President,
Tournament Director and Secretary/Treasurers are exempt from annual dues
and annual tournament fees as compensation for services.)
Weekly tournament fees are for annual
tournaments and other legitimate club expenses. The balance is returned
as weekly prize money. All prizes will be in even dollar
amounts. Guests and new members that have not yet established their
handicap will pay $3 to play in the weekly tournament. (Note: The
Tournament Director and Secretary-Treasurer are exempt from the weekly
fee as compensation for services.)
Qualified members electing to play in the
spring or fall three round annual tournament must pay the respective
tournament fee. Once a member commits to tournament play this fee is
non-refundable regardless of the participant’s inability to complete all
the holes/rounds scheduled for that tournament. Exceptions can be
approved by the board.
Wednesday\Friday Divisions: No yearly
dues. Weekly fees. Pays flights and Nassau.
Section 7.03
Misconduct of a
The Board may
review misconduct or other unfavorable actions that might reflect badly
on the reputation of the Association. Board findings and recommendations
will be presented to the President. A majority of the Board members must
approve of the imposition of a penalty, including termination of
Section 7.04
The election
meeting of this Association shall be held after the fall annual
tournament for the election of new officers. The specific date will be
announced two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. Special meetings
will be scheduled by the President for the general membership whenever
necessary, and at a convenient time selected by the President. Special
meetings may also be scheduled by written request to the Board and
signed by at least ten (10) active members.
All active
members are encouraged to participate in the proceedings at the regular
meetings and to discuss and vote on all proposals and business matters
brought before the general membership.